Testicular Sperm Mapping
Microscopic testicular mapping for Azoospermia
- When no sperm are detected in a semen analysis, despite pellet preparation, this is known as azoospermia. Testicular biopsies are performed on some of these patients for diagnostic and therapeutic reasons.
- Even if the majority of the testis does not exhibit spermatogenisis, there can be specific foci of sperm production that can be missed using single site biopsy approach, which has been the norm until recently.
- We have recently begun testicular mapping, which entails obtaining biopsies from a variety of locations to pinpoint the precise regions of spermatogenesis. As ICSI and IMSI have developed, even a little number of sperm can be used.
- We have begun using an operating microscope to perform testicular mapping at Prashanth Fertility Centre. There is less risk of testicular injuries and the incisions are less invasive. This method will allow for a more comprehensive mapping of the testis, increasing the likelihood that we will locate these spermatogenesis areas.