Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

Why no bath after ivf

Why No Bath After IVF?

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IVF is already stressful enough, and the two-week wait after embryo transfer will be a test of will for you. During this period, you might be anxious about what to do and what not to do to ensure successful implantation.

One of the queries you may have after embryo transfer is about showering and bathing. Most women are unsure if they can take a bath after the procedure.

This article clears up all the doubts you may have about taking a bath after embryo transfer.

Why should I not bath after IVF?

Embryos are sensitive and don’t do well in excessive heat. You need to maintain a stable body temperature after embryo transfer. This is why doctors often suggest you avoid taking hot baths in hot tubs or hot whirlpools.

It will also be better if you avoid spas, submerging in water, or going to swimming pools during this period. This is to avoid contracting infections in the vaginal areas or interfering with vaginal medication.

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How long after IVF can I take a bath?

You can shower after embryo transfer since it doesn’t elevate body temperature or cause any infections.

But, if you want to bathe, you should wait at least five days to a week after embryo transfer. This, too, should only be for a shorter period and not for longer periods.

Also, ensure that the bath water is warm and not hot. This is to avoid subjecting the embryo to heat for a longer period.

Can I wash my hair after embryo transfer?

Yes, you can wash your hair after embryo transfer. Just make sure you don’t put too much pressure on your tummy while showering.


You may have several doubts about what you can do to get a positive pregnancy after embryo transfer. You don’t have to be too anxious about it and stress yourself.

Reaching out to the top Fertility hospital for a consultation makes you Feel Better. A little bit of faith in yourself will also help out a lot.


Embryos are sensitive and don’t do well in excessive heat. You need to maintain a stable body temperature after embryo transfer. This is why doctors often suggest you avoid taking hot baths in hot tubs or hot whirlpools.

Yes, it is absolutely fine to go to the toilet after embryo transfer. Most women fear that the embryo will “fall out” if they urinate. This is a myth and won’t happen since the embryo is in the uterus, which is different from the one women urinate.

Yes, you can shower after embryo transfer since it doesn’t elevate body temperature or cause any infections.


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