Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

What Are Abnormalities in Sperm

What Are Abnormalities in Sperm

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The sperm is a very small cell with a huge task—the creation of a baby. It comes from the male body and is required to fertilize the egg of a female. Once it has encountered the egg, it can initiate a pregnancy. But not all sperms are perfect after all. Sometimes there might be something wrong in one way or another, as in abnormalities of the sperm. These abnormalities may obstruct a man from being a father in the natural method.

Let’s get to know the meaning, different types of sperm abnormalities, what causes this abnormality, and treatment.

The Types of Sperm Abnormalities

There are also different kinds of sperm-related abnormalities like low sperm count, sperm cramps poor motility, dead sperm. The sperm abnormality is related to conditions about a man’s potential for fertility. We will now discuss some common types of sperm abnormalities.

1. Low Sperm Count

Men who have a low sperm count have fewer than 15 million sperm in each milliliter of semen. Sperm is the name for the fluid in which the semen travels when it is ejaculated. If too few of these sperm are expelled in an ejaculation, a man may have problems reaching an egg and fertilizing it. However, it is still possible for men with a low sperm count to achieve a successful pregnancy under the right conditions.

2. Poor Sperm Motility

Motility: This refers to the movement by spermatozoa. Good motility means the way they swim actively to an egg. Sperms that move weakly or extremely slowly find it hard to swim to the egg; thus, poor motility reduces the chances of being fertilized.

3. Abnormal sperm morphology

Sperm morphology refers to the structure and shape of a sperm cell. Normally, a sperm cell will have an oval head, a well-defined midpiece, and a long tail cross-section. However, in cases of teratozoospermia, there are abnormalities in sperm shape, such as curved tails or deformed heads. These atypical shapes can significantly impact the sperm’s ability to fertilize an egg, posing challenges in achieving conception. Understanding and addressing these morphological issues is crucial for successful fertility outcomes.

4. Sperm Agglutination

Sometimes, sperms stick together in lumps — a case we refer to as sperm agglutination. The sperm is thus not able to move, and if imagined, it couldn’t even cause a thing either way, causing complications on its way on our sperm’s journey to find an egg.

5. DNA Damage

DNA-containing sperms contain hereditary materials that may end up in the baby. Such alterations in DNA are denatured, failure might have conceived its starting point. This will even portray itself during defects in children after birth. The damage could be brought about as a result of one’s age, smoking, exposure to chemicals, or related health problems.

Morphological Abnormalities in Sperm

One of the most common problems found in sperm is morphological abnormalities. Sperms are usually said to have been made of a head, a mid-piece, and a tail.

  • Head defects: The head is supposed to be oval and smooth, the tail straight thereby helping the sperm to swim. But if there happens to be any abnormalities in the sperm, it might have a large head, a small head, or even multiple heads.
  • Midpiece defects: The midpiece, which provides energy for the sperm’s movement, may have abnormalities such as a swollen or irregular shape. This can impair the sperm’s ability to swim effectively and reduce its chances of reaching and fertilizing the egg.
  • Tail defects: The tail may be bent, broken, or completely absent. Such defects compromise the fertilization process and make it very difficult for the sperm to enter the egg space.

Sperm Abnormality Causes

Sperm abnormalities have several Reasons. Common ones are:

  • Medical conditions: Some diseases or chemical treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy may pose an impact on sperm quality.
  • Environmental toxins the exposure of men to highly hazardous environmental chemicals causes damage to their sperm.
  • Genetics: Sperm abnormalities may sometimes be passed down from a parent.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Hormones play an enormous role in the generation of sperm and an imbalance in its traits can lead to problems with the quality of the sperm.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Unhealthy habits like smoking, consuming a lot of alcohol, or using drugs, have the potential to damage the sperm retrieval procedure.
  • Medication: Some medicines may have the potential of hindering sperm production.
  • Infections: Past and recent infections on the reproductive organs can take their toll on the.
  • Trauma: Damage to the testicles, where sperm are generated, can cause abnormalities.
  • The Undescended Testicles: The problem with sperm may occur if the testicles of a male didn’t pass down to the right position before he was born.
  • Varicoceles—essentially means swollen veins on the inside lining of the scrotum—so this causes altered ways in which the body manufactures its sperm.

Symptoms of Sperm Abnormalities

Often, sperm abnormalities present with no corresponding symptoms. More than likely, a man would not know there was a problem until he sired a baby. Some of the few symptoms include:

  • Sexual Problems – Delayed ejaculation, reduced desire, or erectile dysfunction could develop over time as symptoms due to abnormalities in the sperm.
  • Pain or Swelling—In any of the testicles, in case of swelling or pain, or an appearance of a lump in them, this signifies a problem in the system.
  • Breast growth: This can be abnormal breast growth in a male — gynecomastia — where spermatogenesis again can be potentially affected by hormonal changes.
  • Hair loss: Hair loss in the face or body can be an indicator that probably there is a hormonal problem that could have some implications for the health of the sperm.

How to get sperm back to normal

If a man has a sperm dysfunction, he can follow these steps to increase the chances of healthy sperm:

  • Healthy Lifestyle: Abstaining from smoking, drinking alcohol less, and healthy body weight will overall better improve sperm health. It’s important to note that as age increases, the chances of fertility decrease, so adopting these habits early is beneficial.
  • Toxins: Avoidance of toxic chemicals helps in saving the sperm.
  • Manage Stress: Excessive stress could, in fact, negatively impact hormones and sperm production, and therefore has to be checked.
  • Balanced diet: Make sure to have plenty of fruits and vegetables, along with healthy fats in your diet. Foods rich in antioxidants, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, such as nuts, seeds, and leafy greens, can support overall reproductive health and may help increase sperm count.
  • Keep Active: Essentially, every form of regular exercise will yield different health benefits, not excluding sperm production.

Impact of Sperm Abnormalities

An anomaly in the sperm could significantly affect the paternity status of a man. This may lead to decreased opportunities for fertilization and even harder times for a couple to develop normally. However, the abnormality of the sperm does not at all mean that a man can never bear children. Treatment is possible.

Treatment Options for Sperm Abnormalities

Even in cases of sperm abnormalities or anomalies, most men can reproduce with advanced medical treatments. Here are a few:

  • Medications: Drugs can be prescribed by a doctor to treat infections or hormonal imbalances that may change the status of the sperm.
  • Surgery: At times, surgery might be the only way to correct things like varicoceles.
  • Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART): These are special medical procedures, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) in which fertilization is supervised.
  • Donor Sperm: In cases where an individual’s sperm cannot be used, the services extend to donor sperm IUI or IVF, assisting couples on their journey toward conception and the realization of their dream of having a baby.


The abnormalities might be in the sperm, making it against all odds for the man to sire a child, but that does not mean it is not possible. Each man with abnormal sperm should realize their dream of being a father with the right treatment and lifestyle change. So, understanding the abnormalities found in the laboratory through sperm assessment would be the key measure in learning the solution. Then it would be necessary to look into what brings about the abnormalities and also how each can be most frequently treated.


What if abnormal sperm fertilizes the egg?

If abnormal sperm fertilizes an egg, it could lead to complications like miscarriage or birth defects. However, not all abnormal sperm result in these outcomes, as the egg’s quality and other factors play a role. Fertility treatments can help minimize these risks.

What is a normal abnormal sperm?

A “normal abnormal sperm” refers to sperm that have slight irregularities in shape, size, or movement but still retain some functionality. While they might not be perfect, they can sometimes still fertilize an egg, though with reduced chances of success.

Can weak sperm be cured?

Weak sperm may be treated or made better by changing their way of living, administering drugs, or receiving medical procedures such as hormone therapy. Bettering chances of getting pregnant depends on looking for what is causing them to become weak in the first place.

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