Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

Leg pain after embryo transfer

Leg Pain After Embryo Transfer

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Have you undergone embryo transfer just recently? Then, you might have started feeling certain signs and symptoms—one of the most prominent being leg pain.

Embryo transfer is the most important step of the IVF treatment, where a high-quality embryo is selected and transferred into a woman’s uterus. The procedure is generally safe, but some women might experience symptoms like leg and body pain.

Most women don’t know what these symptoms mean and fear that their IVF treatment is a failure. This is why it is necessary to learn about each symptom and what they signify about the success and failure of your IVF cycle.

In this article, we have discussed leg pain after embryo transfer, its causes, and some treatment methods you can opt for to get over the pain.

Is it Normal to Have Leg Pain After Embryo Transfer?

To answer your question, YES, leg pain is normal after an embryo transfer procedure. A catheter holding a needle is inserted into your vagina to transfer the embryos. This can stretch your muscles and cause leg pain after the procedure.

However, not every woman experiences this pain. As you know, each body is different, and their tolerance level and body reaction to the procedure can be completely different. So, don’t panic if you have leg pain and another person doesn’t.

You should also remember that while leg pain is normal after embryo transfer, you should be careful if the pain is recurrent and intense. It is best to consult a doctor if you experience intense leg pain, as it can be due to some other underlying issue.

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lower back pain and leg pain after embryo transfer

Lower back pain and leg pain are common symptoms after embryo transfer, often reported by women undergoing IUI and IVF. These discomforts, including back pain and leg pain after iui as well as ivf. Monitoring these symptoms and communicating with your healthcare provider is crucial for effective management and ensuring treatment success. Gentle stretching, hydration, and rest can also help alleviate discomfort.

The Causes of Leg Pain After Embryo Transfer

Leg pain after embryo transfer can be caused due to various reasons. Below are some of the major causes of leg pain after the procedure.

  • The hormonal changes that occur in the body during the procedure. During ovulation stimulation, you will be given a lot of hormonal injections that stimulate the ovaries to produce more mature eggs. This can affect your body and cause leg pain.
  • The physical and emotional stress and anxiety you experience during the procedure can also cause leg pain.
  • Progesterone is also another factor that causes leg pain after embryo transfer. These hormones weaken the cramp muscles and cause leg pain.
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). A condition where the ovary reacts strongly to hormonal medications. This can enlarge the ovaries and cause leg pain.
  • You can also get leg pain after embryo transfer if you have any blood clots. They can cause swelling and redness and get worse with time. It is best to consult a doctor and get it diagnosed and treated immediately.

How Long Does Leg Pain Last After Embryo Transfer?

Each woman’s body is different, leading to varied experiences such as leg pain 10 days after embryo transfer, Backpain and leg pain 5 days After embryo transfer, while others might not have such symptoms. Similarly, the duration and intensity of these symptoms can differ significantly from person to person.

Most often, your leg pain will reduce and disappear within a few days or weeks of embryo transfer. However, some women might have leg pain that lasts for several days, weeks, or even months. This happens mainly in women who already have an existing medical condition.

Leg pain after embryo transfer is often not a serious issue, as the pain gradually decreases after a few days. However, if you have severe and recurrent leg pain, you should consult your fertility doctor immediately and understand if there is any underlying cause of leg pain.

Risk Factors for Leg Pain After Embryo Transfer

There are many risk factors that can increase your chances of having leg pain after embryo transfer. Some of them are listed below.

  • You have a history of pelvic inflammatory diseases
  • You have endometriosis
  • Your embryo transfer procedure was difficult and painful
  • You are overweight or obese
  • You have undergone multiple IVF procedures or had prior surgeries
  • The hormonal injections and fertility supplements (like progesterone) you take during the IVF procedure

Common Treatments for Leg Pain After Embryo Transfer

Though leg pain is common during IVF treatments, it is not necessary that you have to endure the pain till it passes. You can use some natural and medical remedies to relieve your leg pain.

Natural Remedies

If you don’t want to take medications and want to treat leg pain naturally, you can consider using the following remedies.

  • Massaging your legs to promote blood circulation and relaxing the muscles
  • Taking a warm bath or using heating pads to relax your muscles
    Practicing yoga and meditation
  • Using aromatherapy oils like peppermint and lavender can promote relaxation and help ease pain and inflammation.
  • Adding foods known to relieve pain and inflammation to your diet, like salmon, walnuts, and turmeric.

Medical Help

Natural remedies are a good way to treat your leg pain after embryo transfer. But know that IVF is a complex procedure, and it is always best to consult your doctor if you have any pain or difficulties. They can look into your condition and prescribe medicines to alleviate your pain.


It is normal for you to experience some symptoms like back pain,  leg pain,leg cramps during the IVF stimulation. Though they might feel unpleasant and hard to bear, they are temporary and usually disappear within a few days. Our personal suggestion is to Always know the precation like things you should do and shouldn’t do during Embryo Tranfer to make sure your following healthy ans secure habils during ivf. 

If your leg pain is recurrent and doesn’t reduce after a few days, immediately consult your doctor, discover its root cause, and take the necessary treatments.


1. Can IVF cause leg cramps?

Yes, IVF can cause leg cramps. The hormone progesterone used in the treatment, especially, can cause leg pain in most women.

2. Can I fold my legs after embryo transfer?

Whether you are folding your legs or staying in the same position has no effect on implantation and pregnancy. Resting for some time after an embryo transfer will be sufficient to give your body time to recover.

Other than that, sitting, walking, folding your legs, or working won’t have any impact on the IVF success rate. However, it is best to refrain from doing any vigorous tasks during this period.

3. What pains are normal after embryo transfer?

Lower back pain is one of the most common pains you might experience after embryo transfer. The hormone fluctuations in the body, the changes in the endometrial lining to facilitate implantation, and several other factors can cause dizziness and lower back pain for some days.

4. What medications cause leg pain?

Leg pain during embryo transfer is mainly caused by the hormonal medications you take during the IVF procedure. Progesterone, especially, can cause muscle cramps and leg pain. This is normal during the treatment, and you don’t have to worry too much about it.

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