Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

IUI Babies Vs. Normal Babies

IUI Babies Vs. Normal Babies

Table of Contents

Assisted reproductive technologies have been a beacon of hope for couples who were diagnosed infertile and had difficulties getting pregnant. Fertility treatments like IUI have helped millions of couples achieve their dream of parenthood.

However, there are some questions that prevent most couples from undergoing IUI. They are “Are IUI babies as healthy as naturally born babies?” and “Will IUI babies have any risks after childbirth?”

In this article, we will discuss the differences between IUI babies and normal babies and understand whether they are both the same or not.

IUI Babies Vs. Normal Babies

If you wonder whether IUI babies are the same as natural babies, YES. IUI babies are physically and mentally as healthy as any babies born through a natural pregnancy.

Only the method of conceiving the baby is different. Other than that, there are no major differences between IUI babies and normal babies. Below is a table depicting the differences between both babies.

Feature IUI Babies Normal Babies
Conception method
The healthy sperm is collected from the male partner and injected into the female uterus for fertilization. The egg will then reach the uterus and gets implanted.
Fertilization happens through natural intercourse when the male ejaculates into the female vagina. The sperm will then reach the egg and fertilize it.
Source of sperm
The sperm can be collected from the male partner or a sperm donor.
The sperm belongs to the male partner.
Medical assistance
Assistance from an experienced fertility doctor is required for a successful pregnancy.
No medical assistance is required. Pregnancy happens naturally.
Your doctor will constantly monitor your ovulation and perform insemination accordingly.
Fertilization happens during the natural ovulation cycle.

Other than the above factors, there will be no major differences between IUI babies and normal babies.

Are There Risks With An IUI Pregnancy Baby?

Though there are only minor differences between IUI babies and normal babies, there are certain disadvantages and risks that you need to be aware of. Remember, these risks are very rare and only happen in some cases.

Risk of birth defects in babies

This is very rare in IUI and only happens if the egg or sperm are of poor quality. This can cause genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in the baby.

Risks of multiple pregnancy

During IUI, you will be given fertility medications to stimulate your ovaries to produce more eggs. This can cause the sperm to fertilize more than one egg and lead to multiple pregnancies.

This condition is serious and can lead to complications like miscarriages, premature delivery, low birth weight, etc.

Risk of infection and spotting

IUI insemination is a transvaginal procedure. This can increase the chance of infections in some women. You might also get light spotting or bleeding if the instruments bruise your vagina or cervix.

Physical and emotional stress

The entire IUI procedure can be physically and mentally draining. The anxiety and hope of getting pregnant can lead to disappointment if the cycle fails.

Financial burden

Fertility treatments can be costly, especially if more than one cycle is needed to get pregnant. For many couples, managing these costs can be challenging

Myths And Facts

Did you know that people have some interesting opinions about IUI babies? Though some are true, most of them are myths originating from their fear of the treatment. Let’s look at some of the most popular myths and break them down to reveal the truth.

Myth 1: IUI babies are different from normal babies

To be honest, all babies are different from one another. However, if you talk about the physical and mental characteristics, NO, IUI babies are not so different than normal babies.

Myth 2: IUI babies have a higher chance of having genetic issues

This totally depends on the egg and sperm quality used for IUI. If their quality is poor, whether it is an IUI baby or a normal baby, there are higher chances of genetic conditions.

Myth 3: IUI babies may not be as bonded to their parents as normal babies

The bond between a parent and baby depends on the love, care, and nurturing it receives. An IUI baby or normal baby does not change that.

Myth 4: IUI guarantees a 100% chance of pregnancy

This is absolutely false. No fertility treatment, whether IUI or IVF, can guarantee a 100% success rate. It all depends on your individual health and fertility condition.

Myth 5: IUI is a painful procedure

IUI treatment might cause some discomfort and minor side effects during the process. However, IUI is generally less painful than most other fertility treatments.


Now that you know that IUI babies are not that different from normal babies don’t hesitate to visit a fertility doctor for your IUI treatments. Whether you have an IUI pregnancy or a natural pregnancy, the health of the baby depends on the parent’s health.

So, ensure you stay healthy and follow a healthy lifestyle to avoid pregnancy complications. You can discuss this with your fertility doctor if you have any concerns.


1. How Many Babies Can You Have With IUI?

IUI does not increase your chances of twins or triplets. However, the fertility medications and the number of eggs available during insemination can influence how many eggs are fertilized and implanted in the uterus.


2. Is It Possible To Conceive Naturally After Giving Birth Through IUI?

Yes, it is definitely possible for you to have a natural pregnancy after an IUI procedure.

3. Can We Select The Gender Of The Baby In IUI?

No, you can’t select the gender of your baby in IUI. Though IUI is an assisted fertility treatment, fertilization happens inside the uterus. So, there is no way of determining whether you have a boy or a girl.

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