Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

How to collect sperm for IVF

How to collect sperm for IVF

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Whether it is natural or through insemination techniques, sperms have potential effects on pregnancy outcomes. Motility of sperm and its shape are deeply linked with fertility. Healthy sperm means increased chances of conceiving and improved baby’s health.

Sperm retrieval is an important part in the entire IVF that is also the only time your male partner is involved. This process takes place before the egg retrieval and doctors utilize the sperm selection techniques to pick the healthy sperm.

So generally, sperm reserves a huge place in IVF. It must be collected carefully to undergo semen analysis and determine whether it is healthy or not. This blog gives a detailed view on different sperm collecting methods and tips for a successful sample.

Thus, keep exploring.

Sperm Collection Methods

As previously stated, sperm are collected before the egg retrieval. It needs to be fresh and free from external contaminants to improve IVF success.

To increase the sperm count and quality, doctors suggest the male partner to abstain from sex at least 2 to 6 days. Your husband can collect sperm either at home or at a clinic. Let’s discuss them in detail.

Collecting Sperm at the Clinic

You can provide your samples directly at the clinic. They will provide a sterile container and you need to ejaculate directly into it. Make sure you don’t touch the inside of the cup and don’t try to transfer the spilled semen again into the cup.

TESE, Testicular Sperm Extraction: It is a clinical method for sperm retrieval, especially useful if you have obstructive azoospermia. This is a condition where a male’s testicles can produce sperm, but a blockage or missing connection in the reproductive tract prevents sperm from entering the semen. Additionally, TESE can also be beneficial for those with teratozoospermia, a condition where the sperm’s shape is abnormal, which may affect fertility.

So, male partner with this issue needs this treatment.

TESA is another condition that addresses the infertility issue with production and transfer of sperm. Compared to TESE, this treatment is less invasive and non-surgical.

Collecting Sperm at Home

You can use a container provided at the fertility clinic for collecting sperm. Because, a sterile and non-toxic plastic jar is only apt for storing semen. It must be collected only by masturbation.

Don’t use lubricants including saliva while collecting semen. Also, never bring the specimen in a condom or any other bags. This can be toxic to the sperm, and affect the overall IVF results.

Fertility clinics can reject the sample if,

  • Container is hot or cold to touch.
  • Specimens are brought on unscheduled dates.
  • Container is cracked, leaked, or broken.
  • The semen is brought one hour after ejaculation.
  • Specimen collected with the help of condom.

After Sperm Collection

Once the sperm is collected, doctors can freeze and store it for future use or prepare it for insemination. Because, sperm cells start to die and the mobility gradually decreases after an hour of collection. So, treating them is most important.

When it comes to the in vitro fertilization process, doctors rinse it in a special solution for removing debris. After washing the sperm, they put it in a culture medium along with the egg from the female partner. Then, the embryo culture begins in the laboratory and develops into an embryo.

How much sperm is enough for IVF?

According to the World Health Organization, a healthy sperm count generally ranges from 15 million to 200 million per milliliter of semen.

When it comes to sperm count for IVF treatments, 10 to 15 million sperm per one milliliter are needed per cycle. And 20% of spermatozoa should be in normal shape, 30% should be motile, and 15% must be progressive motility.

The count varies according to the reproductive health condition of each couple or individual.

Tips for Successful Sperm Collection

Sperm collection is pivotal for the success of fertility treatments like IVF and IUI. Good quality sperm can increase the chances of pregnancy and a healthy baby. Utilize these tips for successful sperm collection.

Follow your fertility doctor’s instructions: While undergoing fertility treatments, you must follow the doctor’s advice. Because clinics may follow different sets of instructions for collecting and providing sperm samples.

For example, you should not engage in any sexual activity such as intercourse and masturbation, from two to seven days before sperm collection. This maintains optimal sperm count and increases the pregnancy outcomes with in vitro fertilization treatment.

Stay calm and relaxed: Studies state that men who are stressed often are more likely to have negative impacts on reproductive health. It decreases the testosterone levels and sperm motility, lower sperm count, and abnormal sperm production.

So, make sure to keep yourself away from depression, stress, and anxiety. Involve in physical activity and do exercise regularly to stay calm and relaxed.

Consider your medical prescription: Supplements you intake for other health issues can interfere with sperm production and quality. As a result, the IVF treatment success rate can also vary.

So, inform the fertility experts about these medications before collecting and providing the sperm. They can examine these medications and identify whether it interferes with sperm quality or production.

And, make sure to arrive on time to your appointment. So, you can complete the paper works soon and provide the sample at the right time.

Final Words

No doubt that sperm collection for IVF is important. It is typically done by ejaculation and there is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. Make sure you use a clean container and prioritize open communication with the fertility experts.

They can assist you if there are any trouble in ejaculation and make the sperm retrieval process hassle-free. Avail the doctor’s advice and keep yourself happy and comfortable throughout the IVF journey.


Sperm capacitation is a method for selecting the best motile sperm. Embryologists place spermatozoa in a special medium and they choose the one, which is able to move and be located in a determined fraction. Opting for the best and healthy sperm is essential to increase the pregnancy rates.

Increasing sperm count can feel daunting, but adjusting lifestyle and habits is more than enough.

  • Healthy weight improves sperm count.
  • Eat organic and healthy foods daily.
  • Prevent sexually transmitted infections STIs.
  • Avoid alcohol, drugs, and smoking.
  • Manage stress, depression, and anxiety that can negatively impact the sperm producing hormones.
  • Involve in physical activity to increase the levels of antioxidant enzymes.

Morning 5 to 7.30 is the best time to collect the sperm samples.

The reports suggest the sample collected during the period offers many advantages compared to the sample collected later in the day. It includes higher sperm concentration, increase in total sperm count, and a good percentage of normally shaped sperm.

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