Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

How Much Bleeding is Normal During Early Pregnancy

How Much Bleeding is Normal During Early Pregnancy?

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People are usually afraid of having any bleeding or spotting during pregnancy. They assume that may be a sign of abortion or miscarriage. But it is essential to understand the health condition of individuals is different.

According to the perspective of healthcare providers, up to 1 out of 4 pregnant women experience bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy. It doesn’t mean that there’s a problem or any other complications.

However, you need to consult your healthcare provider to ensure the causes behind this sign. It can range from brown spotting to bright red bleeding and may last for a few days to weeks. Sometimes, it stops on its own and lets the pregnancy journey continue normally.

This blog explains how much spotting is normal during early pregnancy and its exact causes and symptoms.

Difference Between Bleeding and Spotting

Spotting represents slight bleeding, in that you will witness a few drops of brown or red-colored blood on your underwear. It seems so light that it won’t cover your panty liner. Bleeding is a little heavier than spotting that you would require a pad to carry your blood from soaking your underwear. Both the conditions need to be concerned to avoid any further troubles.

Some women may also notice an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy, which is typically clear or milky white. However, if you experience watery discharge during pregnancy along with spotting or bleeding, it’s essential to monitor the symptoms and consult your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying concerns.

Causes of Bleeding During Early Pregnancy

Don’t be under the opinion that bleeding during pregnancy is a symptom of miscarrying. It has some other reasons, including implantation bleeding, hormonal changes during pregnancy, cervical bleeding, or the fertilized egg trying to attach to the uterus lining. In some cases, doctors can’t even find the exact causes of vaginal bleeding.

Some women experience positive pregnancy but bleeding like a period, which can be confusing. While a confirmed pregnancy test indicates pregnancy, the presence of bleeding—sometimes resembling a period—might be due to implantation bleeding, cervical changes, or other non-serious causes. However, consulting a healthcare provider is essential to rule out any complications.

About 15 to 20% of pregnancies may result in miscarriage. It is because your body won’t support your pregnancy when the fetus is not developing normally. Remember, you can avoid lifting heavy weights and intercourse during early pregnancy that may improve your health.

Medical Test During Pregnancy Bleeding

Before recommending you the treatment, doctors examine your health to figure out the exact cause of the pain or bleeding. Here are the tests you will be suggested:

  • Pelvic exam
  • Ultrasound
  • Blood pregnancy test

Serious & Non-Serious Reasons for Vaginal Bleeding in Your Early Pregnancy

Serious Causes: The following causes need immediate care and attention to stop your vaginal bleeding and end with serious risk.

An Ectopic Pregnancy: During this stage, a fertilized egg is attached outside the uterus and will not survive. But it can be a life-threatening case, requiring immediate treatment.

Miscarriage: Women can lose the baby early in a pregnancy; at such a time, the mother needs extra attention and care, both physically and mentally.

A Molar Pregnancy: In this case, a fertilized egg implanted in the uterus will not survive. To avoid excess bleeding, consult your healthcare provider and take immediate treatment.

Non-Serious Cause: Some reasons that you don’t have to be afraid about bleeding during early pregnancy are:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Infection
  • Sex or intercourse
  • Implantation bleeding
  • Changes in your cervix

What Should You Do When You Have a Bleeding During Early Pregnancy?

Bleeding during pregnancy is risky sometimes, and you are advised to contact your healthcare provider immediately. Before that, you need to keep track of the following things:

  • Notice the color of the blood that can range from slight brown to bright red.
  • Check how heavy your bleeding is and how many pads you are using a day.
  • You’re not supposed to use douches, tampons, or have sex when you’re bleeding.

When you have the following symptoms, contact your healthcare provider right away:

  • Bleeding and dizziness
  • Pain in your belly or pelvis
  • Heavy spotting or bleeding
  • Bleeding with cramping or pain

How is it Treated?

Your treatment depends on the causes and heaviness of bleeding. As for that, doctors conduct medical examinations to identify the exact causes. In general, the patients are suggested with the treatments like:

  • Take a break from your regular work and rest for a certain time.
  • You need medications to stay away from significant impacts like Rh disease. It causes when you and your baby’s blood can’t be together, which may result in the death of your fetus.
  • If you have heavy bleeding, immediate treatment or surgery is a solution.

Final Lines

Vaginal bleeding is blood that is brown, red, or bright red color. If you see something like this, call your healthcare provider immediately for a treatment. They conduct various tests and examinations to identify the underlying issue and provide patients appropriate treatment. Most importantly, you should stay calm and tense-free, which may cause several hormonal changes and result in heavier bleeding.


Can spicy food cause bleeding in early pregnancy?

No, spicy food is not a cause for bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy. Generally, doctors advise you to limit the spicy foods to avoid other impacts like constipation or ulcer. Many people could wrongly believe that eating spicy food is dangerous to little ones, but it is not a serious issue.

Is it best to avoid sex during early pregnancy?

Intercourse during pregnancy is safe when you are healthy and active. When you are not feeling good and if doctors advise you to stop having sex for certain sex, then you should avoid it.

How to stop bleeding during early pregnancy?

Bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy can be treated with rest and little lifestyle changes. In exceptional cases, it needs medication or surgery. For appropriate treatment and medication, you are advised to contact your healthcare provider and follow their advice

Does pregnancy become risky when bleeding during the early stage?

Vaginal bleeding or spotting can be a sign of any problem, but it doesn’t mean that your pregnancy is at risk. Based on the cause and severity of the problem, the treatment and risk factor will differ.

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