Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

How Many Times IVF can be Done

How Many Times IVF can be Done

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People undergoing IVF know how it helps the individuals with infertility and increases the chances of conception. However, it often requires multiple attempts to succeed. 

But, how many times do you need to repeat the cycle? Will continuous failure have impacts on fertility? You’ll get all the answers to your questions in this article. Keep exploring and know about them in detail. 

Recommended Maximum Number of IVF Cycles Experts

As per the convenience, health, and cost considerations of patients, they do the number of cycles. In general, there is no limit for the number of IVF cycles to be done.

But, top fertility experts suggest a maximum of 3 to 4 IVF cycles. And, they discourage couples or patients going more than 6 IVF cycles. Because, multiple number of cycles can increase the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes, and other pregnancy-related risks.

So, patients can opt for other fertility treatments or alternative ways for parenthood like surrogacy or adoption.

Factors that Affect the Maximum Number of IVF Cycles

How many IVF cycles do I need to undergo to have a healthy baby? This is a common question that rises in every couple or patient’s mind before beginning the treatment.

In IVF treatment, the success rate varies due to several factors. These factors also increase the number of cycles and challenge every patient mentally and emotionally.

Here are some important factors influencing the maximum number of IVF cycles.

1. Age

Fertility declines with age, so it becomes an important factor affecting the maximum number of IVF cycles. Women with younger age get pregnant after 2 or 3 cycles, but women older than 40 have lower success rates.

Similarly, the sperm quality in men starts dropping after the age of 34. So, age is a crucial factor for maximizing the number of cycles.

2. Medical history of the patient

IVF treatment has better impacts if the woman had conceived earlier. But, it becomes critical for women who had several miscarriages and difficulty in conceiving.

Fibroids, uterine abnormalities, ovarian dysfunction are some of the serious issues increasing the number of IVF cycle. Therefore, medical history and fertility problems can impact IVF success rates.

IVF treatment can also give improved results in both men and women in these conditions. Men with low sperm count, decreased motility, and morphology difficulties. Women with endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, and PCOS are also suitable for in vitro fertilization.

3. Financial resources

In IVF, cost can be a determining factor. Many people consider this treatment, but they may not be able to afford multiple IVF cycles.

4. Emotional well-being

Studies state that many people can’t manage the stress and anxiety associated with IVF cycles. Expectation of successful outcomes and handling the failure of IVF treatments are quite important reasons that challenge the mental well-being of couples or individuals.

How Many Cycles Does It Take to Get Pregnant?

IVF outcomes differ substantially from one person to another based on various factors. Some couples have a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby after 2 to 3 cycles of IVF. while the others need to wait till the 4th or 5th cycle.

But, patients need to wait until at least their 3rd and should effectively manage their finances.

Moving on statically, research shows 65.3% patients can have successful pregnancy outcomes after six or more cycles. Here is a detailed table, showing the probability of successful pregnancy outcome, take a closer look at.

Age First cycle Second cycle Third cycle
Women under 30
From 30 to 31
From 32 to 33
From 34 to 35
From 36 to 37
From 38 to 39
From 40 to 41
From 42 to 43
Above 44

Risks and Benefits of Multiple IVF Cycles

Multiple IVF cycles have both advantages and drawbacks. The most important benefit of many cycles is successful pregnancy outcomes.

Yes, multiple IVF cycles increase the chances of conception and fulfill your dream of starting a healthy family.

However, it also has emotional, physical, and psychological risks. Multiple IVF cycles can increase stress, depression, and anxiety throughout the treatments.

The physical risks because of back-to-back IVF cycles can be multiple pregnancies, ectopic pregnancy, and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Can the first round of IVF Treatment improve my chances for the Next Round?

Sources state that the second IVF cycle may have higher effectiveness compared to the first cycle. But, age is one of the significant factors in these results too. Women who are younger can witness increased results and older women can expect reduced success rates.

Women below the age of 40 who had miscarriages and failure in the first cycle can have a higher chance of conceiving in subsequent cycles. Still, the overall success rate per cycle differs according to their reproductive health and other factors mentioned above.

Alternatives to Multiple IVF Cycles

If you haven’t witnessed any symptoms of pregnancy after 3 or 4 cycles, then looking for alternative options is a good choice. At first, examine your health condition thoroughly and ensure whether you need any extra care and medications.

For example, you can use donor eggs or donor sperm when there are any issues with your husband’s sperm quality or your eggs. The alternative treatments to multiple IVF cycles are,

  • Tubal flashing.
  • In vitro maturation.
  • Intravaginal culture IVC.

Consult your fertility expert to be aware of your health condition and opt for the best treatment post multiple cycles of IVF.

Key takeaway

Consulting the best fertility expert can help you make informed decisions about IVF cycles. Typically, they recommend up to 6 IVF cycles and assist you even after the failure of IVF.

So, don’t lose hope after the failure of the maximum number of IVF cycles. Because, there are many other ways available to get pregnant. You can also try surrogacy or adoption to make your relationship beautiful.


The standard spacing between IVF cycles that is around 4 to 6 weeks must be maintained after a negative pregnancy test. It helps the patients to heal physically and emotionally from the previous experience. 


And also, the healing time can vary according to the couple’s health and mental well-being. So, take enough time and move to the next step.

Don’t get frustrated after the failure of 3 IVF cycles, because 20% of women fail to conceive even after 3 attempts.

After this stage, taking sufficient care and rest is important. Practice self-care, spend time with your partner, and engage in activities that improve your peace of mind.

Then, doctors will test your body completely and confirm whether you can perform another IVF cycle or go with alternate treatments.

Some reports state that embryo transfer is the most critical step in the entire process.

And, others claim that the 10 to 14 day waiting duration between transfer and receiving the pregnancy results as the most difficult part of IVF.

According to patients, the first treatment cycle is the most stressful phase. Because they are confused and anxious about the procedure.

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