Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

How Many Embryos are Transferred in IVF

How Many Embryos are Transferred in IVF

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The final step of the IVF (In vitro fertilization) treatment is the embryo transfer process. During the embryo transfer procedure, one or more euploid (chromosomally normal) embryos are transferred for the embryo or embryos to implant successfully in the uterine lining.

The number of embryos that should be transferred for successful implantation is dependent on multiple factors. For women above 38, not more than 3 cleavage stage embryos and 2 blastocysts are recommended. For women above 40, not more than 4 cleavage stage embryos and 3 blastocysts are recommended.

Patients with any medical ailment are also recommended to go with a single embryo transfer to minimize the risk of multiple pregnancies.

How Many Embryos will beTransferred in IVF?

Any number of euploid or chromosomally-normal embryos can be transferred in IVF. However, a single embryo transfer is the standard procedure and is often suggested most of the time.

Couples desiring twins or triplets may prefer the transfer of multiple embryos. But certain factors must be taken into consideration before opting for multiple embryo transfer like:

  • Prognosis
  • Age
  • Quality of embryo
  • IVF attempt

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Your fertility specialist will prognosticate, i.e. predict how your embryo transfer will turn up after the transfer of a single embryo and multiple embryos. Based on the results whether a single embryo or multiple embryos should be transferred will be suggested.


The age of a woman determines whether a single embryo or multiple embryos must be transferred. With the increase in a woman’s age, the chances of pregnancy decrease. So based on the grounds to enhance implantation of the embryos, the multiple embryo transfer option is opted for women of ages above 35 and 38 and not usually for women below 35 years of age.

Quality of Embryo

your embryo grading score should be high. Euploid embryos are usually selected for transfer after Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT). When not many chromosomally normal embryos are found multiple embryos are transferred to enhance successful implantation.

IVF Attempt

If the woman is below 35 years of age and has not attempted IVF earlier, a single embryo transfer is suggested. If the woman is below 35 years of age and has a history of failed single embryo transfers, the multiple embryo transfer option is suggested.

How Many Embryos Are Required for Successful Implantation?

A single euploid embryo is enough to result in successful implantation. However, factors such as age and reproductive health can influence the number of embryos to transfer.

For women over 35 years, more than one euploid embryo may be required. Women with reproductive health issues like the presence of endometriosis, fibroids, and so on may have difficulty with the successful implantation of the embryo.

Thus, the number of embryos required for successful implantation may vary even though single embryo transfer is the standard option.

Can I Decide How Many Embryos to Transfer?

Yes, you can decide on the number of embryos you wish to transfer after reviewing the suggestion of your fertility doctor. Some may wish to go for a multiple embryo transfer option based on their needs and situation. You can discuss your preference with your fertility doctor and opt for the option you prefer.

Suggestion on the Number of Embryos to Transfer

You have to consider certain factors before choosing single or multiple embryo transfer.

Consider Single Embryo Transfer: when your prognosis shows favorable results, your age is below 35, you have quality embryos, and it is your first time undertaking IVF.

Consider Multiple Embryo Transfers: when your age is above 35, you have a history of failed single embryo transfers, poor-quality embryos, or when your prognosis does not show any favorable results.

Why is a Single Embryo Transfer Encouraged Most of the Time?

IVF treatments aim to deliver healthy pregnancy turnouts and multiple pregnancies often pose a threat to the mother and baby’s health.

Twins and triplets have the chance of being delivered preterm with low birth weight. Life-threatening maternal complications with twins and triplets or multiple births are also possible. So, single embryo transfers are encouraged most of the time due to their higher safety and success rates.


The number of embryos required for transfer in IVF is dependent on factors such as age, quality of embryo, and so on. However, the preference of the patient is also taken into consideration ultimately.

Single embryo transfer is considered best for the health of the mother and fetus over multiple pregnancies and it also has a higher implantation rate.

You can discuss with your partner and fertility specialist regarding the choice of the number of embryos to transfer and make an informed decision.

To know more about the number of embryos required for transfer in IVF, contact an IVF specialist.


IVF with good embryos fails at times as factors such as poor reproductive or other medical conditions, or any accidents could have disturbed the implantation of the embryo.


Two embryos are required for the possibility of twins. At times, there is also a minimal possibility for a single embryo to result in twins or triplets. 

Yes, single embryo transfer is considered the best as it has a good implantation success rate and poses a lesser risk to the mother’s and fetus’s birth. It is also advisable to undertake a single embryo transfer if it is your first attempt at pregnancy with IVF.

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