Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

How Many Days After IUI Should I Get My Period

How Many Days After IUI Should I Get My Period

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The success or failure of your IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) treatment is determined by one of certain indicators, your menses or period.

An IUI process is usually completed in a single menstrual cycle. The insemination procedure occurs around 14 days after the last day of your last menses.

After 10 to 14 days of the insemination procedure, you can expect your periods. If your IUI treatment had been a success, you would not get your periods even after the 14 or 17 days of the insemination procedure.

Had the IUI process been not a success, you might get your period after 10 or 14 days from the day of the insemination procedure.

When Will I Get My Period if I am Not Pregnant?

In IUI, since the insemination procedure is executed in a single menstrual cycle during the ovulation phase you may get your period on the day you will normally expect your period if you have regular periods.

In case of irregular periods, your period may get postponed or you may get it in advance.

Also, please note that the IUI process includes hormone medications to stimulate and rupture the follicles, which may impact your reproductive function and delay your period.

So, you can either expect your period 10 to 14 days after the insemination process or even beyond those 14 days, in case of a negative pregnancy result after the IUI treatment.

Insemination to period days

What Factors Affect the Timing of My Period After IUI?

Factors that affect the timing of your period include:

IUI medications: IUI treatment employs hormone injections to stimulate the follicles for maturation and rupture. These hormonal medications can imbalance your hormone levels and cause your period to be postponed.

Timing of IUI: If the insemination procedure is done close to your ovulation phase you will get your period sooner or on your usual period day. Thus, based on the timing of your IUI procedure your period may get postponed.

Menstrual irregularities: If you have had a history of irregular periods, you may have your periods postponed.

Factors Affect the Timing of Period after iui

When Can I Confirm My Pregnancy?

You can confirm your pregnancy typically around two weeks after the IUI treatment, i.e. 14 days after the insemination procedure.

You may experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sore breasts, headache, and so on that would indicate the possibility of pregnancy after the treatment.

A missed period is a sure sign of a successful pregnancy. Yet, certain factors such as hormone medications and period irregularities can delay your period. So, verify your pregnancy status using proper medical tests before claiming pregnancy.

Ways to Confirm Pregnancy

The best way to confirm pregnancy is by using blood or urine tests. After a two-week wait after the IUI procedure, you will be asked to visit the fertility clinic to get tested for pregnancy.

The blood or urine test will measure the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) which will help to confirm the pregnancy status.

Avoiding home tests and preferring medically verified pregnancy tests is more advisable as it will decrease the chances of false results.

What Should I Do if I Fail an IUI Treatment?

With Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART), you do not have to worry if you fail any fertility treatment. This is because with every ART treatment your fertility level increases. So this is only an advantage to you even when you fail to conceive in an ART fertility treatment.

You can go for another cycle of IUI if you fail the first cycle. If you cannot get pregnant with three or more cycles, you can opt for intense and advanced fertility treatments like IVF (In vitro fertilization).

The possibility of pregnancy increases with each consecutive cycle or treatment. So, take up fertility treatments with hope and courage without getting disappointed or discouraged.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Multiple IUI Cycles?

There are no definite risks associated with multiple IUI cycles. Normally, multiple cycles of IUI, at least up to 3 cycles are recommended by fertility clinics to increase the chances of pregnancy before moving on to other treatments.

You do not have to go through multiple IUI cycles though. You must wait for another menstrual cycle to get over, that is at least a month before you take up another round of IUI treatment. This way your body will be relaxed and you will have enough physical strength to face the next cycle of treatment.


Anticipating your IUI results can be nerve-wracking. You can expect your period after 10 to 14 days of IUI to verify whether you are pregnant or not.

If you get your period after the treatment, do not lose hope. It is not the end of the world. You can still get pregnant after another round or a few more rounds of IUI.

Keep yourself emotionally supported to get through the results of your fertility treatment.

To clarify your doubts about IUI and when you may get your period after treatment, contact a fertility specialist.


Yes, you will get your period if you are not pregnant. The timing of the arrival of your period may get postponed due to hormonal imbalance.

The IUI procedure is not painful. There are no incisions involved. Only a small catheter carrying the sperm is inserted into the uterus during the procedure. You may experience a mild cramp after the procedure which will go away after a short time.

Yes, the option of a male donor is available in IUI. You can choose to get sperm from a male donor.

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