Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

How Can I Test My Fertility

How Can I Test My Fertility?

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Be it because you are trying for pregnancy or because you want to know whether you are fertile, fertility testing is one of the best ways to determine your fertility.

The main advantage of a fertility test is that you get to identify any infertility issues earlier and can treat them before they get too complicated. This is one of the main reasons why most doctors recommend fertility testing for patients who visit them with issues regarding pregnancy. 

You can test your fertility both at home and at a hospital. We will discuss both methods in this article. Read till the end to learn more.

How Can I Get My Fertility Checked?

Be it fertility testing at home or in a hospital, both methods can give you an approximate estimation of your fertility. Fertility testing at hospitals can be even more accurate, owing to the advanced technology equipment used.

Now, let’s look at both methods in detail.

Naturally Way

Though the natural method of fertility testing is not that accurate compared to fertility testing at hospitals, there are some interesting ways you can follow to test your fertility. This method mainly focuses on tracking your ovulation cycle and determining whether they are functioning properly.

Tracking Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

BBT is the minimum temperature your body reaches when you sleep. This temperature is almost always constant. However, you can witness a slight increase in BBT every time you ovulate.

If you track the BBT regularly, you can notice the temperature increase and determine when you ovulate. If you ovulate every month, it indicates you are fertile and healthy.

Cervical mucus tracking

The cervical mucus will also change its appearance from a creamy white substance to a thin, clear, and slippery substance during ovulation. You can track these changes and check if they happen every month, indicating your fertility.

Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)

You can also use ovulation predictor kits to measure your hormone levels to determine whether you ovulate every month and test your fertility.

All these are natural ways to determine your fertility. However, just because you get your periods regularly every month does not mean you are highly fertile. You might have some other issues that can only be identified through the fertility tests we will discuss below.

Fertility Test

You can’t do these fertility tests at home. You need to visit an expert fertility specialist to undergo these fertility tests. Below are the tests that will be done for women and men to determine their fertility.

Tests For Women

There are several fertility tests that will be done for women to determine their fertility and identify if they have any infertility issues. Taking these tests can help them diagnose and treat the issue early. 

  • Blood tests: Blood tests are done to measure the levels of hormones like FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), progesterone, estradiol, etc.

  • Ultrasound: Through an ultrasound, you can get a clear imaging of your reproductive system and diagnose any abnormalities like fibroids, polyps, etc.

  • HSG (Hysterosalpingography): HSGs are X-rays that are taken after a dye is injected into the cervix to examine the inside of the uterus and diagnose abnormalities like tubal blockages.

  • Laparoscopy: It is a minimally invasive procedure where small incisions are made in the abdomen. Surgical tools along with a camera are inserted through these incision to view, diagnose, and treat abnormalities in the outer layer of the pelvic organs.

  • Hysteroscopy: Here, a hysteroscope with a light and camera is inserted into your uterus through the vagina to view and diagnose issues on the inner side of your reproductive organs. 

Tests For Men

Like women, men can also undergo certain fertility tests to analyze factors like their sperm quality, health, etc. This can help them identify disorders and help treat them early. 

  • Semen analysis: In semen analysis test, the male partner’s semen sample is collected and analyzed for sperm count, motility (movement), and morphology(shape).
  • Blood tests: Men can also undergo blood tests to measure testosterone and other male hormone levels in their body.
  • Scrotal ultrasound: This ultrasound procedure gives a detailed imaging of the testicles and surrounding structures and can help diagnose issues like varicocele and others. 

Things To Know Before Your Fertility Test

It is important that you prepare yourself sufficiently before you visit a fertility hospital for a fertility analysis. Here are some things you should take note of before your fertility test.

  • Prepare your medical records (including your past surgeries, any medications you take, and previous pregnancies). This can help your doctor get an idea of your condition. 
  • Prepare questions you might want to ask your doctor. 
  • Dress in loose and comfortable clothing for certain tests.
  • No prior preparation is needed for blood tests. However, it is best to inquire whether fasting before the test is required. 


Testing your fertility is essential in determining if you have any infertility issues, and it can help you treat them as soon as possible. You can take the tests at home or visit the best fertility hospital in your area to undergo fertility tests.


Your doctor will perform a number of tests, like blood tests, pelvic & transvaginal ultrasound, and other procedures to determine your fertility. These tests can help you identify any issues and treat them early.

Your fertility doctor will conduct an ovarian reserve test and a vaginal ultrasound to determine your egg count and quality.

The finger test for fertility is usually done by testing the consistency of the vaginal fluid. During ovulation, the cervical mucus will become thin, clear, and stretchy between the fingers.

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