Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

follicle size for iui

follicle size for iui

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Are you going to undergo an IUI in the near future? Then here is one subject you should definitely learn about IUI.

During your fertility consultation, your fertility doctor must have said something about follicle size and how it impacts your chances of pregnancy. It is the same for IUI, too.

During IUI, to achieve a successful pregnancy, your follicle needs to be of a certain size. In this article we will discuss deeply about follicle size and what role it play in a successful IUI pregnancy.

Follicle Size And IUI

The size of your follicle is an important factor to consider during an IUI procedure.

During the first step of your IUI treatment, the ovulation induction, your fertility doctor will adminsiter hormonal injections to you on a regular basis. These injections will induce your ovaries to produce more mature eggs.

During this process, your doctor will regularly monitor the development of your egg follicles. When the follicles reach a certain size, they will administer hCG injection to trigger follicle rupture.

The size of the follicle is important here as it determines whether the egg is mature and if you can get high-quality eggs. If the egg is smaller than necessary, the egg might not be mature enough for fertilization.

So, your doctor will repeatedly monitor your follicle growth and analyze when it will be the right time to conduct the insemination procedure.

What Is The Exact Follicle Size To Get Pregnant?

There is no exact follicle size to get pregnant successfully. As long as the released egg is mature and of good quality, you can get a successful pregnancy.

However, most fertility doctors believe that the right follicle size to get pergnant is about 18–22 mm. They argue that the bigger the follicle, the higher the egg quality and chances of pregnancy.

During the ovulation stimulation procedure, your doctor will monitor your follicle growth and administer the hCG injection when your follicles reach 18mm and above.

The insemination procedure will occur when the mature eggs have reached the fallopian tubes. If the sperm fertilizes the egg

What Is The Normal Follicle Count For IUI?

You should understand that there is no definite follicle count for a successful IUI pregnancy. Fertility doctors focus on the quality of the eggs collected than egg quantity.

As long as your eggs are of good quality, even if you produce only 2 or 3 eggs, IUI success is possible. However, if your eggs are of average or low quality, even if you produce 10 or more eggs, chances of IUI success is minimal.

So, focus on improving your egg quality rather than trying to increase your follicle count. You can discuss with your fertility doctor and take the necessary measure to improve your egg quality.

How Can I Increase My Follicle Size?

Know that there is no direct method you can follow to increase your follicle size. You can only follow some lifestyle changes and take some medications to improve your fertility, thus indirectly improving follicle size. 

Here are some things you can do to improve your ovary health and egg quality.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Manage your weight
  • Eat a balanced, nutritious diet
  • Reduce stress and depression
  • Quit unhealthy habits like smoking, alcohol, etc.
  • Avoid unhealthy processed or junk foods
  • Limit caffeine intake

If you want to undergo medical interventions to improve egg quality, here are some methods:

  • Undergo ovulation stimulation
  • Consult your doctor and take supplements

Foods To Eat To Increase Follicle Size

As we discussed above, there are no specific practices you can do to increase follicle size. You can only maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve overall fertility and egg health. 

Here are some healthy foods for IUI you can take to improve egg quality and fertility.

  • Fish (sardines, tuna, salmon, etc.)
  • Avocados
  • Citrus fruits (lemons, tangerine, oranges, etc.)
  • Dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.)
  • Eggs and poultry
  • Whole grains, beans, and lentils
  • Nuts and seeds


Your follicle size is important for IUI success. But it is not the only factor that determines whether your IUI cycle will be successful.

Other factors like egg and sperm quality, uterine receptivity, etc., play a part in a successful implantation and pregnancy.

Also, the hospital you choose also paly a part in IUI success. So, ensure you choose the best fertility hospital for your IUI treatments.


Several factors play a role in determining your follicle size. Factors like age, fertility conditions, FSH levels, endometriosis, etc., can hinder your healthy follicle development.

Your egg follicle will usually rupture and release the mature egg when it reaches 18 mm and above. Eggs released at this stage will be of high quality and have a higher chance of fertilization.

There is no exact follicle size to get pregnant successfully. As long as the released egg is mature and of good quality, you can get a successful pregnancy.

However, most fertility doctors believe that the right follicle size to get pergnant is about 18–22 mm. They argue that the bigger the follicle, the higher the egg quality and chances of pregnancy.

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