
Fibroid Clinic – Imagine Life without Fibroids

Fibroid Clinic – Imagine Life without Fibroids 25 Jan

Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) are the most common benign tumors in women of reproductive age. They are noncancerous tumors that grow along or within the walls of the uterus, primarily made up of smooth muscle cells, along with small amounts of other tissues. The symptoms and treatment options are affected by the size, number, and location of the tumors. Fibroids can shrink or grow over time and also change size suddenly or steadily over a long period of time. Treatment of uterine fibroids should be tailored to the size and location of the tumors; the patient's age, symptoms, desire to maintain fertility.


The evaluation of fibroids is based mainly on the patient's presenting symptoms like abnormal menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, or findings suggestive of anemia. Fibroids are sometimes found in asymptomatic women during a routine pelvic examination or during imaging. Some fibroids are microscopic, whereas others maybe eight or more inches across.


Most women with fibroids experience no symptoms. But for at least 25% of patients, some symptoms will occur. These may involve abdominal pressure, which can feel like fullness in the pelvic region or bloating in the pelvis/ stomach. Large leiomyomas can enlarge the lower stomach area, sometimes giving a false appearance of pregnancy. You may experience a variety of symptoms with uterine fibroids and these may not be the same symptoms that another woman with fibroids will experience.


Submucosal fibroids: The fibroids grow inside the uterine space (cavity) where a baby grows during pregnancy.

Intramural fibroids: Embedded into the wall of the uterus itself.

Subserosal fibroids: Located on the outside of the uterus, these fibroids are connected closely to the outside wall of the uterus.

Pedunculated fibroids: The least common type, these fibroids are also located on the outside of the uterus. However, pedunculated fibroids are connected to the uterus with a thin stem. They're often described as mushroom-like because they have a stalk and then a much wider top.

Treatment for Fibroids

PFRC's Fibroid Clinic attains a high premium on preparing a patient for a successful pregnancy. Methods like hysteroscopy and laparoscopy are used to handle all problems ranging from small to large 10-12 cm fibroid, polycystic ovaries, chocolate cysts, tubal blocks, septum, and other growths in the uterus. Practitioners here use tools like harmonic scalpel to remove the large fibroid with precision and minimal blood loss, which are crucial in preventing adhesions that may affect fertility. We perform key-hole surgeries on a day care basis. At PFRC, more than 10,000 surgeries have been performed with brilliant results making the keyhole surgery a minimally invasive and minimal pain day care surgery. Fibroids, adenomyomas, ovarian cysts and tumors, ectopic or tubal pregnancies, removal of tubal blocks can all be performed. All problems in women from menstrual to urinary problems like incontinence, infertility, the tumor of the uterus and ovaries are all treated by the top gynecologists in Chennai at PFRC.

Fibroid Clinic – Imagine life without Fibroids!

Expert Gynecologists at our Fibroid Clinic are experienced, trained, and equipped to diagnose, counsel, and treat fibroids effectively under an environment of care and compassion. Fibroids can be treated and, often, your symptoms can be improved. Fibroid Clinic is dedicated to improving the quality of life for women suffering from fibroids, enabling them to live and enjoy life without pain, discomfort, or pressure. If you have fibroids, you should be evaluated periodically to review symptoms, and to monitor the fibroid and uterus size with abdominal and pelvic examinations. If you don't have symptoms, routine pelvic ultrasounds have very little benefit.

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