Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

Do's and Dont's after Embryo Transfer

Do’s and Dont’s after Embryo Transfer

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It is common for couples who underwent IVF procedures to be wary of what they should and shouldn’t do after embryo transfer. IVF is a complex process, and embryo transfer is a major procedure that determines the success or failure of the treatment.

For the most part, embryo implantation and IVF success depend upon embryo quality and uterine receptivity. However, other factors can also affect how well the embryo implants in the uterus.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the dos and don’ts that you can follow to increase your chances of pregnancy. Though they are minimal changes in your lifestyle, they can greatly impact the result of your IVF treatment.

Things you should do

Want to increase your chances of embryo implantation? Here are some tips you can follow for a healthy and successful IVF procedure.

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1. Pamper yourself for a couple of days

IVF is a complex procedure, and you will most likely be exhausted after completing it. So, it is okay if you want to rest for a couple of days, indulge in self-care, and pamper yourself.

The key here is to keep your mind and body happy. You can do it any way you like. Watch a good movie, read a book you like, or cuddle with your pets. Just take it easy and enjoy your “you” time.

2. Keep taking your medications

Your medication is also very important after embryo transfer. Your doctor understands you and your embryo well. So, ensure you take all the medications they prescribe on time for higher success rates.

Many women need to take their progesterone medication for some days after embryo transfer. Progesterone is an essential hormone to sustain pregnancy. So, if your doctor suggests you take the medicine, take it.

3. Eat a healthy diet

What you eat also matters for IVF success. Take foods rich in protein, calcium, vitamins, and iron. It would be better if it is homemade since it can be to your liking and have no unhealthy ingredients.

Try to maintain a healthy balanced diet that includes all the essential micro and macro-nutrients. Also, add healthy fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated all the time. Drink at least 3–4 litres of water every day. You can also take other liquids like fresh juices, milk, etc.

4. Start taking a daily folic acid supplement

Folic acid (Vitamin B) is essential to help the body make new healthy cells. It is even more important for women who have undergone embryo transfer.

Studies have proven that taking folic acid during pregnancy can reduce the chances of neural tube defects and congenital heart defects in babies. It can also reduce the chances of cleft lip and palate in babies.

If you haven’t added folic acid to your medication yet, consult your doctor and take the right amounts of the vitamin every day.

5. Pay attention to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)

EDCs are chemicals that can disrupt or interfere with the way your hormones work. Some examples of these chemicals are parabens, bisphenol A (BPA), triclosan, phthalates, etc.

Overexposure to these chemicals can make them enter the placenta and get mixed into the baby’s bloodstream. They can disrupt the baby’s organ development or even cause severe developmental issues.

So, pay attention to your surroundings and avoid products containing the above chemicals. For example, avoid shampoos that contain parabens.

6. Relax and don't stress

Don’t be stressed and anxious about the results all the time. Take adequate rest to nurture your body back to health. Get at least 8 hours of sleep at night and take a short 2-hour nap during day time. This can keep you calm and relaxed.

You can also engage in mild day-to-day activities and surround yourself with friends and family to promote endorphin secretion.

Things you shouldn't do

Now that you know what you can do, it is time to learn about things you shouldn’t do after embryo transfer.

1. No bending after embryo transfer

After an embryo transfer, it’s important to avoid bending or any strenuous activity. This precaution helps ensure the embryo remains in the best position for implantation. Take it easy and focus on light activities that don’t strain your body. If you need to pick something up, remember to squat down using your knees, not your waist. Your care during these early days can make a big difference.

2.Avoid sexual intercourse

It’s best to avoid having sexual intercourse during the first few days after embryo transfer, as it can hinder embryo implantation. Sexual intercourse also triggers pelvic contractions and can lead to miscarriages.

3. Don’t take a pregnancy test right away

It is normal to be tempted to take pregnancy tests every now and then after embryo transfer. But try to resist it and hold on until you reach the two-week threshold.

4. Don’t ignore troubling symptoms

Some women may experience some adverse symptoms after embryo transfer and some might receives no symptoms after embryo transfer. if you experiencing the symptoms, that is mainly due to a condition called OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome).

OHSS occurs when the body reacts excessively to the fertility medication taken during ovulation stimulation. The general symptoms of OHSS are

Note that you might also get these symptoms during successful implantation. It is advisable to reach out to a nearby Fertility Hospital to consult with the experts if they last longer and get too painful.

5. Avoid lifting heavy weights

Mild exercises are fine. But doing strenuous physical activities can put pressure on your body and cause severe implications. Avoid lifting heavy weights and twisting your body too much.

6. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures

Studies have proven that embryos are sensitive to heat and can lead to implantation failure or miscarriage. This is why most doctors suggest women not take hot baths or submerge in hot water for longer periods.

7. Strictly avoid smoking, alcohol, or tobacco.

A healthy lifestyle is necessary for IVF success. Doctors usually recommend patients quit smoking and alcohol at least three months before IVF. This is the same after embryo transfer.

You should also note the amount of caffeine you take every day. Certain substances in caffeine can cause implantation failure or early miscarriages.


There will be a lot of people who advise you to do this and that after embryo transfer. This can be mentally exhausting but know that they say it because they care for you.

If you don’t have an idea about what you should and shouldn’t do after embryo transfer, consult a good fertility doctor and take all the necessary measures to increase your chances of successful implantation.


Give your body time to recuperate and regain energy after embryo transfer. It will be best to stay home and rest for the first two days after the procedure.

But too much rest is also bad for you. Start doing some mild activities like walking to keep yourself active.

No evidence proves that bending over after an embryo transfer harms the implantation or pregnancy outcome. However, it is best to avoid vigorous activities that require bending during the first few days following the surgery.

Yes, you can use an Indian toilet after embryo transfer. Just ensure that you don’t stress too much while bending. If you can’t take it, you can always use a Western toilet.

Sleeping on the left side after embryo transfer is actually beneficial for the mother and baby. This position can increase blood flow and improves the implantation rate.

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