Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

Amla for female fertiltity

Amla for Female Fertility

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The amla (Indian Gooseberry) is a tropical fruit that has been used for medicinal purposes since early ages. All parts of the tree, from its roots and bark to its fruit, have immense medicinal benefits for both men and women.

But did you know that amla can also help improve fertility in women? Yes, amla is a great natural food you can take to promote fertility. Don’t believe it? Then, continue reading this blog to understand the connection between amla and fertility.

Amla for Female Fertility

According to Ayurveda, amla is one of the “vrishya herbs,” herbs that can help nurture and promote ovary and sperm health in people. Amlas are especially good for women as they can strengthen the uterus and improve reproductive health.

Garbhasthapana - fertility and pregnancy

Amlas help regulate the menstrual cycle and strengthen the uterus. It also contains antioxidants that expel toxins in the uterus during menstrual cycles and help maintain hormone balance.

Amlas also help fight against common symptoms of PCOS like obesity, unwanted hair growth, etc. This helps prevent or lessen the effect of PCOS in many women, thus promoting fertility and pregnancy.

Helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Amlas promote natural diuretic actions, thus helping the body eliminate waste efficiently. They also help prevent UTIs.

Promotes sexual life

Amla is a great promoter of your sexual life. Studies have found that amlas can improve sexual willingness in both men and women and improve their sex drive.

Side Effects of Amla

Though amlas are high in nutrients and have multiple benefits for both men and women, there are some people who should eat less amla or stay away from amla. Here are people who should avoid Amla.

  • Don’t eat amla if you have hypotension. Amla lowers blood pressure. So, if you have hypotension (low blood pressure), avoid eating excess amla.Don’t eat Amla if you have low sugar levels (hypoglycemia). Amla regulates and maintains blood sugar levels. So, hypoglycemic patients or those who take anti-diabetic medications should avoid amlas.

Here are some side effects that excess consumption of amla can cause.

  • It can trigger acidity.
  • It can cause dehydration.
  • It can make your stool hard.
  • It can sometimes cause skin problems.

Alma Nutrition Value per 100 grams

Nutritions Nutritional value per 100 gm
44 kcal
10.18 g
0.58 g
Dietary fiber
4.3 g
Vitamin C
27.7 mg
Vitamin A
290 IU
6 mcg
0.300 mg
198 mg
25 mg
10 mg
0.12 mg
27 mg


Amla is a good fruit with a bountiful medicinal properties. As long as you know how to consume it safely and healthily, you can reap the benefits of the fruit in great amounts.


1. What are the other uses of amla?

Amla is a highly effective beauty product that benefits skin and hair growth. It can also be made into a variety of snacks like candies, pickles, dried chips, jellies, etc. Amla extract can also be used as ink, and its bark is used in fireworks.

2. How many Amls can you eat in a day?

On average, you can consume about 1 or 2 amlas per day. You can either eat it raw as a fruit or drink it as a juice. It is best to consult your healthcare provider for suggestions if you are pregnant.

3. Does amla help you get pregnant?

Amla is high in antioxidants and can thus help you flush out the toxins from the uterus during your menstrual cycle. It also helps maintain hormonal balance. This can automatically improve your fertility and increase your chances of pregnancy.

4. What other foods promote fertility?

If you want to improve your fertility or are trying to get pregnant, you should start following a diet that is high in nutrients like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, etc.

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