Birthing Boutique
- We offer a luxurious setting with state-of-the-art accommodations and cutting-edge medical technology. Among the best in India, our Birthing Unit results from the hard work of a team of highly trained medical professionals.
- The Birthing Suite was styled after the more upscale "Boutique Birthing Centre" ideal. Private birthing suites incorporate a delivery bed and other modern amenities to facilitate delivery.
- There is a neonatal resuscitation facility connected to the room. While giving birth, you can enjoy listening to music or watching TV.
- A cardiotocograph machine is used to keep track of the baby's heart rate and the intensity of the mother's contractions throughout labor, allowing for prompt interventions and reducing the risk of complications for the mother and child.
- There is pediatric and anesthetic coverage accessible at all hours. There are a variety of options for pain management during labor, from medicated nitrous-gas inhalation to completely pain-free delivery with epidural analgesia.

Prashanth Hospitals – Your Delivery Care Partner
The Prashanth Fertility Research Centre is dedicated to supporting all expecting mothers. When it comes to caring for expectant mothers, we are the best. From conception to birth and beyond, we are here to help.
The Prashanth Fertility Research Centre is dedicated to supporting all expecting mothers. When it comes to caring for expectant mothers, we are the best. From conception to birth and beyond, we are here to help.
Our team at Prashanth
- Regarding obstetrics, our consultant docs are the best in the business. When it comes to maternity care, expectant mothers consistently choose us first.
- Because they know they will get the best possible specialized care for their pregnancy. The deluxe rooms and suites of Prashanth Hospital provide the perfect backdrop for this happy occasion and ensure that you always feel safe at home.
Why Prashanth🩺
- 180 beds are available, including 60 ICU beds and 4 operating rooms.
- Modern infrastructure that complies with international norms.
- NABH has recognized it.
- Ambulance, laboratory, and pharmacy services are available around-the-clock.
- Equipped with robotic surgical tools, a 3 Tesla MRI, and a True Beam Stx.
- A unique neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is available.
- One of the top fertility treatment facilities in India.
- Pregnant women receive prenatal and postpartum counseling.
- Pregnant women receive prenatal and postpartum counseling.
- Facilities for painless labor.
- MRI, CT scan, ultrasonography, radiography scan, mammography, and other diagnostic tools are available.
- Modern instruments and equipment are used in operation theaters.
- Shorter recovery times are achieved by laparoscopic surgery.
- Physicians are skilled in managing high-risk pregnancies.
- Family planning counseling sessions are undertaken.
- Maternal-fetal medicine is highly stressed. Equipped with fetal monitoring electronic equipment.
- Carried out preventive screening procedures for several gynecological problems.
- Also takes care of the other needs of women in various age groups.
After bringing joy to more than 35,000 pregnant women, Prashanth Hospitals wishes to support you and your partner as you make the life-altering decision to start a family. We are here for you before you have a kid, before, during, and after the birth, and throughout your child’s formative years. Therefore, as soon as you learn that you are carrying a kid.
Our goal is to be by your side every step of the way during your pregnancy, from providing comprehensive antenatal care to facilitating whatever type of delivery you want or need.
Preconception Counselling
Ante- Natal Care
Recognized by NABH
High-Risk Pregnancy
Pregnancy Complications
Delivery options at Prashanth
01. Vaginal or Normal Delivery
- When your baby is delivered through the birth canal, also known as the vagina, it is referred to as a vaginal delivery. During a vaginal delivery, three stages of labor take place.
- Without a compelling medical argument favoring a cesarean, we advise our expectant mothers to make plans for vaginal birth. You could have your partner with you when giving birth.
02. Vaginal Birth after C Section
- A pregnant woman may have previously undergone a cesarean delivery (commonly known as a C-section) but may be able to deliver the subsequent child vaginally.
- Vaginal birth after cesarean, or VBAC, is what this is known as. A "trial of labor after cesarean," or TOLAC, happens when you and your doctor decide to undergo a VBAC.
- This indicates that you intend to enter labor to have a vaginal delivery. The success of a VBAC is difficult to predict, as it is with any labor. You might still require a C-section. Up to 4 out of 10 women who experience labor pains require a C-section.
03. Natural birth – Ball /Water Birthing
- In many situations, one might want to have a birth experience similar to home birth, but in a hospital setting, under the supervision of an expert, with their spouse by their side.
- This is similar to natural birthing options, such as exercising, practicing yoga, using a birth ball, or having a waterbirth, where the gynecologists and the expert care team determine what is best based on the circumstances.
- During the course, with your consent, a c-section or vaginal birth with vacuum or forceps may also be used; this can be addressed in advance and arranged. All preventive and essential safety measures are also prepared.
04. Vaginal Vacuum Extraction
- Vacuum extraction may occasionally be required to facilitate a pain-free delivery during vaginal childbirth.
- To help the infant exit the birth canal, a vacuum is administered to the baby's head during vacuum extraction using a handle-equipped, flexible, or rigid cup.
05. Forceps Delivery
- A forceps delivery is used when it is necessary to operate and deliver vaginally. In a forceps delivery, your gynecologist grips the baby's head using forceps, an object like a pair of giant spoons or salad tongs, to assist in guiding the child out of the birth canal.
06. Cesarean Delivery
- A cesarean section sometimes called a c-section, involves making a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus to deliver the child.
- A c-section may be scheduled in advance in some cases. In other cases, it's done in response to an unanticipated difficulty.
07. Scheduled C- Section
- Sometimes, even before labor begins, it is obvious that a woman will need a C-section. This is discussed during the visits, and the date is chosen based on comfort and permission.
- This may be done for several reasons, such as patient preference, multiple births, certain high-risk pregnancies, etc.
08. Emergency C- Section
- The necessity of an urgent c-section in the circumstances like,
- It is harmful to you or your baby to continue or induce labor.
- The cervix ceases dilatation, or your baby stops progressing through the delivery canal, and efforts to induce contractions to restart the process have failed.
- Your doctor should be concerned because the infant can't endure an induction or prolonged labor based on heart rate.
- The umbilical cord (a prolapsed cord) slid through your cervix. Requesting delivery right away due to the risk that a prolapsed cord will cut off his oxygen.
- If you don't deliver your baby quickly away, the placenta will detach from your uterine wall (placental abruption), preventing your baby from receiving adequate oxygen.
- When your water breaks or when you go into labor, whichever occurs first, you have a genital herpes outbreak. Your kid will avoid infection if you deliver him via c-section.
09. Painless Delivery
- Your ability to tolerate pain may differ in some situations, and you may decide to have an epidural-induced delivery.
- In some cases, epidural anesthesia increases the likelihood of having a normal delivery. The most common technique of pain treatment during birth is epidural anesthesia.